The Empowered Wife Course

 Have you ever said these things:

• "I feel like his mother and not his lover.”
• "I am so lonely and feel so undesired.”
 "He’d rather watch TV than make love to me, seriously?”
• "Did I marry the wrong man?”
• "I wish it was passionate like our newlywed days.”
You’re not alone. Thousands of women have been in your shoes.
The good news:
I invite you to join me for this powerful self study that has changed thousands of lives around the world.

Here's what participants are saying:

Before The Empowered Wife Course, my marriage was broken. My husband had no idea that I was done with it. I knew in my heart if something didn’t change we would be getting a divorce or stay miserable. 

As I implemented what I was learning I started to see a change in my husband. He started doing what I wanted him to do without me saying a word. I can't explain it! It just happened! 

You too should experience the same thing if you are willing to put into action what you learn in the course.

Kimberly Sperry, Homeschooling mom of 9

$97.00 USD

I understand that this is a PRE-SALE and the workshop does not go live until March 1, 2024.


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